The Juniors of Greater Brunswick ROCK!
Our Wish Trees set up at Good Day Preschool and Kindergarten was so successful the families wanted more tags to help others. THANK YOU PARENTS and STAFF!! With the help of the Community we were able to donate to 22 families of the National Guard and 36 children of the Salvation Army in New Brunswick. Other toys went to Women Aware and Middlesex County Foster and Adoptive Family Services.
On Dec. 17th we will be helping out manning the craft table at the Annual Family Christmas Party for Foster and Adoptive Family Services of Middlesex County.
On January 20th, we will be holding our Spelling Bee for Milltown schools.
February 2nd, we will be hosting a Ice Cream Social and Bed Time Story Hour at the Women Aware Shelter for the Children.
February 6th, we will have a Guest Speaker form the March Of Dimes and hold a Baby Item Collection for the United Way Baby Bundles and March of Dimes.
Lots of great ladies, great events, and fun... Contact for more information