Great Brunswick Junior's Goals for 2011

We have begun another productive club year in 2011! Throughout the year we are looking to continue the bonds we've created within the community and would like to create new bonds with local charities. In addition, we are always looking to gain new members to assist with our monthly events. Prospective members are encouraged to attend one of our monthly meetings. Keep an eye out for Social Events and "Friend"raisers. You may even wish to visit us on Facebook. We are enjoying another exciting club year!

Children’s Halloween Costume Collection from Sept. 24-Oct. 5

Children’s Halloween Costume Collection, sponsored by the Junior Woman’s Club of the Greater Brunswick Area, the General Federation of Women’s Clubs and New Rave Cleaners of Milltown. Donations of gently used and cleaned costumes for infants to teens may be brought to New Rave Cleaners, Ryders Lane, Milltown (New costumes also appreciated)

Items will be given to children in foster care through Foster and Adoptive Family Services of Middlesex County.

Please RSVP by Sept. 14 to or call Kim Davey at (732) 937-5097 .